1) Added the ability to select the different methods of “binding” EPG for the playlist being used.
2) Added Hungarian localization
The update of the plugin version 1.7 is specially made for users from the EU whose m3u playlists are huge “sheets” with 100,000+ entries. As a rule, this is a collection of various live broadcasts, VOD, broadcast archives, etc. with grouping by countries/topics/programs, etc.
Typically, providers of such playlists provide two links:
1) On the playlist itself
2) On the EPG for this playlist
For example
Code: Select all
PLAYLIST URL -> http://tv.domain.xyz:8080/get.php?username=Adult&password=Adult&type=m3u_plus&output=ts
EPG URL -> http://tv.domain.xyz:8080/xmltv.php?username=Adult&password=Adult
At the same time, the playlist that you receive via the link looks “inside” something like this
Code: Select all
#EXTINF:-1 xui-id="{XUI_ID}" tvg-id="cnn.us" tvg-name="US: CNN (A)" tvg-logo="http://domain.tv:/picon.png" group-title="USA NEWS | LIVE",US: CNN (A)
#EXTINF:-1 xui-id="{XUI_ID}" tvg-id="cnn.us" tvg-name="US: CNN (H)" tvg-logo="http://domain.tv:/picon.png" group-title="USA NEWS | LIVE",US: CNN (H)
And so on ....
Please note that the playlist contains tvg-id tags with values. This means that the EPG, which is provided by your IPTV provider for this playlist, must also contain data for these tags (usually contains) . For this type of playlist, an EPG binding mode has been added based on the 'tvg-id' tag values
With this setting, an indexed search for descriptions in the specified EPG source will be carried out and it will be very fast. But the completeness of the EPG depends on how high-quality your IPTV provider has provided the EPG (XMLTV) file, taking into account the values of the 'tvg-id' tags of the playlist it provides
The following two EPG binding modes are intended for playlists that do not contain 'tvg-id' tags or the values of these tags are not specified:
1) 'by name matching'
2) 'by name similarity'
Such playlists usually look something like this
Code: Select all
#EXTINF:0 tvg-rec="7",Viju TV1000 Action
#EXTINF:0 tvg-rec="7",Viju TV1000
i.e. these playlists do not contain any information about the link to the EPG and there is nothing in them except the channel name to “catch on” ... In this case, you must provide a link to an EPG that contains the largest possible number of channels in your region, the name(s) of which are in the playlist you are using (for example, any of the suitable ones from Rytec EPG sources -
https://github.com/doglover392…ob/main/ ... ources.xml) ... The logic for searching for descriptions will be as follows
1) 'by name matching' - descriptions of programs will be found for channels whose name exactly matches the playlist and the EPG source you specified.
What does "exact match" mean?
"Classic music", "Classic music HD", "Classic music FHD", "Classic music 4K orig", etc - this is an exact match. The search algorithm will automatically "discard" the most commonly used "suffixes", such as "HD", "FHD", "UHD", etc., and will find only the "significant part" of the channel name. With the maximum degree of probability, this is the same channel in different “quality”. This is a fairly fast method comparable in speed to searching by 'tvg-id' tag values
2) 'by name similarity' - with this setting, exact name matches will be searched as in the previous paragraph, but if they are not found, then the most similar channel name will be searched.
What does "similarity" mean?
"BeIN Sports 1", "BeIN Sports 1 live", "BeIN Sports live 1", "BeIN Sport 1", "BeIN Sport 1 orig", etc. - this is similar. The accuracy of the search depends on the length of the searched name. This method may find more descriptions, but it is far from fast. In this case, the search speed depends on the hardware capabilities of your device, the number of channels in the playlist and EPG, the number of exact matches in the total searched, etc. If your playlist contains about 10,000 entries, this method is quite fast and comfortable ...but expecting search speed “by similarity” for 100,000+ entries in playlists is a fantasy, especially on weak Sat-boxes processors
enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet_1.7_all.rar (4.14MB