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[E² Skin] ObelixFHD

Posted: 27 Mar 2024, 11:25
by sugar
Update-Info V3.5:

Display error: TimeshiftState/PVRState overlaps screens fixed
Infobar-Centered slightly rectified
Added CoverSize Small option (Infobar/Movieplayer)
Skin version is now displayed on the "over-screens"
Progressbar (channel lists/EPGs) reduced in size (based on @stub's idea)
Added option Background Transparent Blue / BlueViolet for Infobar-TopBar and SIB
Style Transparent Blue added
Option MenuWall Big Blue / BlueViolet added
Option Movie list MiniTV and Channel list MiniTV with AEL-Primetime integrated
Option Listbox Selector split by Background and Foreground and new colors added
The Option Manager now also saves and restores the style/overlay settings
(The currently saved style/overlay settings are saved and not temporary, unsaved style/overlay settings)
Disable RunningText AutoScroll option added
CoolTV Key labeling extended
Plugins: PlanerFS, YAMP 3.3.2
55156-e09ce1d24640d1df577c1955256b9522.jpg (29.64 KiB) Viewed 377 times
enigma2-plugin-skin-obelixfhd_3.5_all.ipk (20.93MB)