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DM920 Python3 OpenPLi home build..

Posted: 30 May 2024, 05:24
DM920 Python3 OpenPLi home build..29/05/2024

dm920 - Python 3.12.3 - openpli-develop - homebuild

- Python 3.12.3, GCC 14.1, Binutils 2.42, Glibc 2.39, OpenSSL 3.3.0
- ServiceApp, FFmpeg 7.0.1, GStreamer 1.24.3
- Ciplus, OScamstatus, OScam-emu 11788 & OScam 11788
- OpenWebif, EPG-Import, File Commander, YouTube 1205, ...
- blindscan, cablescan, fastscan, terrestrialscan
- feed dm920/drivers/settings/picons/skins/plugins
- enigma2-develop-2024.05.29

Code: Select all

DM920 Python3 OpenPLi home build..

Posted: 27 Jun 2024, 07:26
by Hannibal_Lecter
dm920 - Python 3.12.4 - openpli-develop - homebuild !

thx satpong


dm920 - Python 3.12.4 - openpli-develop - homebuild !

- Python 3.12.4, GCC 14.1, OpenSSL 3.3.1

- ServiceApp, FFmpeg 7.0.1, GStreamer 1.24.4

- Ciplus, OScamstatus, OScam-emu & OScam

- OpenWebif, EPG-Import, File Commander, YouTube 1208, ...

- blindscan, cablescan, fastscan, terrestrialscan

- feed dm920/drivers/settings/picons/skins/plugins


update enigma2-develop-2024.06.16

- SleepTimer - Blue button for Start/Restart Sleeptimer only, Yellow for Stop Sleeptimer (#4024)

- [Fixed] ScreenHeader exceptions

- [Ci] fixed title name

- Timer recording - fixed crash enigma when is not free space on device (#4021)

- [Added] Screen icons in ScreenHeader addon (#4020)

- Centralise ScreenImage code (#4019)

- When the list is empty then ConfigNothing is not needed here

- Bring CI+ menu more in line with the new Setup stuff

- [Menu/Setup] Sync ScreenImage widget name with other distros (#4017)

- Resolve exit key functionality in SoftcamSetup

- [ScanSetup] more readability in the absence cable scanning utility (#4016)

- Add SkinSelection setup to the Hotkey functions

- Resolve GSOD for power button when power buttin is assgined to powermenu

- In setup when the setup list seems to be empty then indicate this

- update ru.po (#4015)

- update uk.po (#4014)

- Do not call createSetup twice when initiating FastScan setup screen

- [SleepTimerEdit] adapt blue key text/run (#4013)

- In Cablescan the configs are static so no need of CreateSetup

- In Setup only do something with CreateSetup when setup is from xml

- Instead of showing only Scan indicate Start FastScan

- Adopt Cablescan to the new ConfigList options


DM920 Python3 OpenPLi home build..

Posted: 30 Jun 2024, 11:03
by Hannibal_Lecter
dm920 - Python 3.12.4 - openpli-develop - homebuild ! 20240629

- Python 3.12.4, GCC 14.1, OpenSSL 3.3.1
- ServiceApp, FFmpeg 7.0.1, GStreamer 1.24.5
- Ciplus, OScamstatus, OScam-emu, OScam 10705
- OpenWebif, EPG-Import, File Commander, YouTube 1209
- blindscan, cablescan, fastscan, terrestrialscan
- feed dm920/drivers/settings/picons/skins/plugins
